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Yorkshire Terrier Gifts

The Yorkshire Terrier (often called simply the Yorkie) is a breed of small dog in the terrier category. The long-haired yorkshire terrier is known for its playful demeanor and distinctive blue and tan coat. Yorkies can be very small, usually weighing not more than 7 pounds; the standard for the yorkshire terrier breed does not mention the minimum weight accepted nor does it specify a height.

To view our full range of Yorkshire Terrier gifts please click on the following link:


A Selection Of Yorkshire Terrier Products Currently Available

Yorkshire Terrier Raincote Coated Shopping Bag 

Yorkshire Terrier Socks

Yorkshire Terrier Belgian Tapestry Cushion 

Yorkshire Terrier Umbrella 

Yorkshire Terrier Coaster On Natural Welsh Slate 

Yorkshire Terrier Draught Excluder 

Yorkshire Terrier Fridge Magnet On Welsh Slate 

Yorkshire Terrier Slimline Card 

Yorkie & Puppy Shoulder Bag 

Yorkie & Puppy Tapestry Cushion 

Yorkie & Puppy Throw 

Yorkshire Terrier Socks 

Yorkshire Terrier Decorative Doormat 

Yorkshire Terrier Shoulder Bag 

Yorkshire Terrier Tapestry Cushion 

General Information On Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard specifies that the dog should have a compact, athletic build suitable for an active lifestyle; and hold itself in an upright, confident manner. The Yorkshire Terrier has a free, jaunty gait, with both head and tail held high. For Yorkshire Terriers, toy stature does not necessarily mean fragile.

Yorkshire Terriers are a long-haired breed with no undercoat, which means that they do not shed as much as their short haired friends. Rather, their hair is like human hair in that it grows continuously and falls out rarely (only when brushed or broken). Additionally, since Yorkshire Terriers carry less dander on their coat, they generally do not have the unpleasant "wet dog" odor when wet, and they may not affect as many people who suffer from dog-related allergies.

Yorkshire Terrier puppies are born with a black and tan coat, and normally have black hairs mixed in with the tan until they are matured. The breed standard for adult Yorkhire Terriers places prime importance on coat color, quality and texture. The hair must be glossy, fine and silky. However, some have very fine hair, making it feel a bit different and are harder to care for. From the back of the neck to the base of the tail, the coat should be a dark steel-blue (not silver-blue)- never mingled with fawn, bronze or black hairs. Hair on the tail should be a darker blue. On the head, chest and legs, hair should be a bright, rich tan, and darker at the roots than in the middle, shading to still lighter tan at the tips. Some Yorkies never turn the usual blond and continue to be grey. There should be no dark hairs intermingled with any of the tan in adult dogs. Many Yorksire Yorkshire Teriers do not conform to the standard for coat color; the tan may range from a very light blonde to a darker brown, while the body may be black or silvery gray. Many pet-quality Yorkies have "wooley" coats which are completely black across the back. The hair never "breaks" into the dark steel blue that is preferred in the breed because the coat texture is not a pure silk - the favorable coat texture. The Yorkie's nose, lips, eye-rims, paw-pads and nails should be darkly pigmented. The breed standard requires that the Yorkshire Terrier's hair be perfectly straight, if its hair is not straight (not wavy). For show purposes, the coat is grown-out long and parted down the middle of the back, but may be trimmed to floor length to give ease of movement and a neater appearance. Hair on the feet and the tips of ears are also be trimmed. The traditional long coat is extremely high maintenance, requiring hours of daily brushing. To maintain the long coats of show dogs (between exhibitions), the hair may be wrapped in rice paper, tissue paper or plastic, after a light oiling with a coat oil made for show coats, which prevents the hairs from being broken easily and keeps the coat in condition. The oil has to be washed out once a week and the wraps must be fixed periodically during the week to prevent them from sliding down and breaking the hair. As a more practical alternative, many Yorkie-owners opt to keep the dog's coat trimmed to a shorter all-over length.

The Yorkshire Terrier was bred as a ratter, used to kill mice and rats in small places. There is some evidence that Yorkshire Terriers may have been used for hunting as well. Like most terriers developed in the early 19th Century, it was common for Yorksire Terriers to demonstrate their prowess as vermin killers in what were known as "rat killer"

As a hunting group, terriers specialize in pursuing animals (usually vermin) that live in dens or burrows. Animals that are cornered and defending their young will fight ferociously. Therefore, any dog that would willingly pursue them must have an extraordinary degree of courage; terriers are bred for that quality.

16/12/2024 I received my order yesterday. Thank you they are perfect. Sarah, Wigan

30/09/2024 You're a pleasure to do business with -- if only more people were as pleasant and efficient as you. Best wishes to you and thank you very much. Susan, Bridgnorth

19/08/2024 I am now happily in possession of your lovely Grouse cushion and was able to deliver it to my mother today and she is delighted! Ian, London

30/04/2024 My friend had her birthday on Saturday, and she was absolutely blown away by the cover. I bet she is hugging it as we speak since she misses her pup so much. I just wanted to make sure that you knew, and how much I appreciate everything you did to make it happen! Andrea, Carlisle, ON, Canada

10/04/2024 I just wanted to write to let you know how delighted I am with the Maltese Goods and service that I have received. The cushion in particular just beautiful! Gwen, Godalming

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A.Bentley Cushions
We are a family run business situated in rural Lancashire. We stock a wide range of products including Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads And Seat Cushions, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders.

These can all be purchased through our on-line store and the majority of orders are shipped within 2 to 3 working days to our customers. All the products on our web site are made to a very high standard and only the highest quality materials are used in the manufacturing process. We source the majority of our unique products from manufacturers worldwide and directly import into the UK.

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All credit/debit card and PayPal transactions are carried out on our secure server for complete security. You can also order and pay over the phone on 01253 790084. We offer a comprehensive refund policy on our complete range of Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

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In addition to this web site we retail through our Amazon Store and also on EBay.