Horse Products
Horses and Ponies are herd animals and used to living as part of a group, feeling secure in the company of other equines and familiar surroundings. They are timid by nature and their natural reaction to danger is to flee. The horse's sense of hearing is very acute and its sense of smell is also good enabling it to sense danger some distance away.
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Horse Doorstops By Dora Designs
Horse Body Language
A horse is a very senstive animal and able to sense the feelings of those nearby particularly hesitation, fear, confidence and anger.
The horse can indicate its own feelings in a number of ways and the ears are a good indication of what is going through a horse's mind.
Horses are intelligent although some are undoubtedly more intelligent than others. They have the ability to learn but also the ability to work things out for themselves such as opening stable bolts, freeing themselves from accidents in the field, etc.
A horse is a fast learner with correct and consistent training. Horses will also learn their daily routine and come to know when it is feeding time, or when they can expect treats, etc.
Horses are easily upset but reward training can overcome many problems. Horses make associations with many things and these associations can cause problems - for example if a horse is kicked when mounted a few times it will start to associate being mounted with being kicked and may become reluctant to be mounted. Often problems can be traced to unpleasant experiences and work done to rectify the association. A task or experience which the horse considers unpleasant can be overcome by feeding treats or using something else to give the horse something nice to associate with the unpleasant experience. This can then help to turn the unpleasant experience into a pleasant one. Force and punishment may cause the horse to resent such a task or experience further and so worsen the situation.
Horses can be taught to recognise short words and their meaning but the tone in which commands are given is also important and should remain consistent with the associated word.
16/12/2024 I received my order yesterday. Thank you they are perfect. Sarah, Wigan
30/09/2024 You're a pleasure to do business with -- if only more people were as pleasant and efficient as you. Best wishes to you and thank you very much. Susan, Bridgnorth
19/08/2024 I am now happily in possession of your lovely Grouse cushion and was able to deliver it to my mother today and she is delighted! Ian, London
30/04/2024 My friend had her birthday on Saturday, and she was absolutely blown away by the cover. I bet she is hugging it as we speak since she misses her pup so much. I just wanted to make sure that you knew, and how much I appreciate everything you did to make it happen! Andrea, Carlisle, ON, Canada
10/04/2024 I just wanted to write to let you know how delighted I am with the Maltese Goods and service that I have received. The cushion in particular just beautiful! Gwen, Godalming
A.Bentley Cushions
We are a family run business situated in rural Lancashire. We stock a wide range of products including Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads And Seat Cushions, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders.
These can all be purchased through our on-line store and the majority of orders are shipped within 2 to 3 working days to our customers. All the products on our web site are made to a very high standard and only the highest quality materials are used in the manufacturing process. We source the majority of our unique products from manufacturers worldwide and directly import into the UK.
How To Buy
Our website has been carefully designed to make buying our full range of cushions and accessories as simple as possible. Just browse our online store and click on any items you wish to purchase to put them into the shopping basket. You will then be asked for a few details that we will need to fulfil your order. If you live outside the UK then don't worry, we deliver worldwide.
Buy with Confidence
All credit/debit card and PayPal transactions are carried out on our secure server for complete security. You can also order and pay over the phone on 01253 790084. We offer a comprehensive refund policy on our complete range of Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.
Other Outlets
In addition to this web site we retail through our Amazon Store and also on EBay.