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Alaskan Malamute Gifts 

Alaskan Malamutes are a working breed, more specifically a freighting sled dog. Many breeders/owners have for many years seen the benefits in working their dogs for fitness and leisure and some have taken part in competition. Sled dog racing has been a growing sport in the UK for over 20 years and weight pulls have taken place from time to time. There are many other ways of keeping an Alaskan Malamute fit and healthy whilst encouraging them to use their natural working ability.

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 Alaskan Malamute Products Currently Available

Alaskan Malamute Shoulder Bag

Alaskan Malamute Tapestry Cushion

Alaskan Malamute Throw

General Information On Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes belong to the working group and are used for sled-pulling, sled-racing, as companions and seen in the show-ring.

In Northwestern Alaska, a tribe of Innuit, called the Mahlemuts, developed a breed of dog for hauling heavy loads in harsh weather and assisting with hunting. The dog they developed shares its ancestry with other arctic breeds: the Samoyed of Russia, the Siberian Husky and the Eskimo dogs of Greenland and Labrador. However, the Mahlemuts dog was not built for speed, but for power and his impressive stature supports this fact. It has been stated that the Mahlemuts staked out bitches in heat so that wolves could interbreed with them. However, the Alaskan Malamute is not a wolf hybrid and any breeding in that direction is strongly discouraged. Although the American Kennel Club till 1935 did not officially recognize the breed, it is surmised that Malamutes contributed to the polar expeditions of Perry, Cook and Byrd. It was in pulling loads that Alaskan Malamutes made their contribution to expeditions, as they are not a racing dog. Some outcrosses to the faster arctic dogs were made during the goldrush era but the Seeleys (breed enthusiasts) did their utmost to purify the breed back to its original purpose.

As this is a dominant breed, especially with the same sex, it is essential the dog be thoroughly socialized before allowing free play in the park with other dogs. An Alaskan Malamute needs a confident handler who will clearly take on the role of pack leader and train the dog with kind, but firm methods. Although the Alaskan Malamute will never respond to commands at lightening speed, it can learn obedience and agility commands and will perform them competently.

The Alaskan Malamute is a powerful, heavily-boned dog. The head is broad, especially between the ears and there should be a slight furrow between the dark, almond shaped eyes. Bulky in proportion to the skull, the muzzle has an almost uniform width and depth throughout its length. A black nose is preferred but a brown nose or a streaked 'snow nose' is acceptable in lighter-coated dogs. The teeth should be large and meet in a scissor bite. Medium in size, but small in relation to the head, the ears are triangular in shape with rounded tips. They are set wide, on the outside back edge of the skull, almost in line with the upper corner of the eyes. A strong and moderately arched neck leads into a deep chest that should be equal to half the height at the withers. The body is compact but not short coupled so that the length of the body is slightly more than the height to the withers. There is a gentle slope to the hips and the loins should be well muscled and of a moderate length. The tail follows the line of the spine, not tightly curled to rest on the back, nor like a fox-brush, but, carried with the appearance of a waving plume. The shoulders have a moderate slope and lead into the heavily boned foreleg. Straight to the pastern, which is short, strong.

16/12/2024 I received my order yesterday. Thank you they are perfect. Sarah, Wigan

30/09/2024 You're a pleasure to do business with -- if only more people were as pleasant and efficient as you. Best wishes to you and thank you very much. Susan, Bridgnorth

19/08/2024 I am now happily in possession of your lovely Grouse cushion and was able to deliver it to my mother today and she is delighted! Ian, London

30/04/2024 My friend had her birthday on Saturday, and she was absolutely blown away by the cover. I bet she is hugging it as we speak since she misses her pup so much. I just wanted to make sure that you knew, and how much I appreciate everything you did to make it happen! Andrea, Carlisle, ON, Canada

10/04/2024 I just wanted to write to let you know how delighted I am with the Maltese Goods and service that I have received. The cushion in particular just beautiful! Gwen, Godalming

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A.Bentley Cushions
We are a family run business situated in rural Lancashire. We stock a wide range of products including Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads And Seat Cushions, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders.

These can all be purchased through our on-line store and the majority of orders are shipped within 2 to 3 working days to our customers. All the products on our web site are made to a very high standard and only the highest quality materials are used in the manufacturing process. We source the majority of our unique products from manufacturers worldwide and directly import into the UK.

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All credit/debit card and PayPal transactions are carried out on our secure server for complete security. You can also order and pay over the phone on 01253 790084. We offer a comprehensive refund policy on our complete range of Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

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In addition to this web site we retail through our Amazon Store and also on EBay.