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Pekingese Gifts


Our website contains a great range of Pekingese products for every Pekingese owner and Pekingese lover. The products we have available include Pekingese Throws, Pekingese Cushions and Pekingese Shoulder Bags. 


So if there's a Pekingese lover in your life, choose from our range of Pekingese gifts by clicking on the following link:



The Pekingese throws measure 54 inches by 54 Inches and are made from 100% all natural high-quality cotton.


The Pekingese shoulder bags are constructed of high quality, 100% natural cotton. Measuring 17" wide by 17" tall with two black canvas straps, the bag can hold an array of items.


The Pekingese Cushions are again made from 100% natural cotton and measure 17" by 17". The cushion pad (inner) complies with the furniture and furnishings regulations 1988 and is removable.


All our Pekingese merchandise is manufactured to the highest standards and can be purchased with the knowledge that we offer a full money back guarantee if not completely satisfied with your purchase. 


Pekingese Products Currently Available 

Pekingese Ceramic Mug


Pekingese Shoulder Bag


Pekingese Tapestry Cushion


Pekingese Throw 

General Information On Pekingese



The Pekingese may be the ultimately dwarfed version of the hairy dogs from Tibet. Or, like the Pug, it may contain some miniature versions of the brachycephalic mastiff dogs. A combination of these two sources could have resulted in this unique canine creation. Whatever the origin, similar miniature dogs have been known in China since the T´ang dynasty of the eighth century. In ancient superstitious times, the "terrifying" lion like appearance of these dogs, and the "Fo Dog" idols that represented them, were supposed to frighten away evil spirits. The Peke was known by a variety of names: Lion Dog, like his close relatives the Lhasa and Shin Tzu; Sun Dog, for the prized golden colour; or Sleeve Dog, when he was small enough to be carried around in a voluminous Chinese sleeve.


The Chinese emperor Ming Ti converted to Buddhism hi the first century AD, and the leonine connection to Buddha was bestowed on the Pekingese, as well as others, to be protectors of the faith. As the centuries passed, the popularity of these and other types of small pet dogs among the wealthy ebbed and flowed. By the beginning of the 19th century, dogs of the Pekingese type had become the darlings of the Chinese imperial court and the next several decades saw them reach their zenith. There were thousands of them around the various imperial palaces, and 4,000 eunuchs were housed and employed in Peking solely for the purpose of breeding, raising and caring for the Pekingese dogs. Slave girls wet-nursed the imperial puppies after their own expendable daughters were slain. No one out- side of the nobility was allowed to own one, and the dogs knew nothing but pampering and gentle care. Two little Pekes announced the appearance of the emperor with short, sharp barks; two more followed daintily carrying the hem of his imperial robe. Stealing one was punishable by death.

When Peking was sacked by the British in 1860, the imperial family gave instructions to destroy all the dogs so that none would fall into the hands of the "foreign devils." Nevertheless, soldiers found four guarding the body of the emperor´s aunt, who had taken her own life. These small dogs (all "sleeves" under 6 pounds) were transported back to England where one was given to Queen Victoria who, with grim humour, called her "Looty." Others were soon obtained from Peking through more normal channels, and before long the breed became fashionable and quickly rose to the esteemed position where it has remained. At the end of the 1800s, the regent dowager Empress T´zu Hsi presented a Pekingese to an American artist, Miss Carl, in return for a painting of her favourite dog. She also presented a dog to Alice Roosevelt upon her visit to Peking. J.P. Morgan was another admirer of these dogs and brought a pair home to America. The Peke was accepted by the AKC in 1909 and in England the following year. The Dowager Empress is also credited with the following instructions concerning the little royal dog: it was to be fed sharks´ fins and curlews´ livers, breasts of quails, tea or milk of antelopes, broth made from the nests of sea swallows; if ill it was to be ". . . anointed with the clarified fat of the leg of a sacred leopard and give it to drink a throstle´s egg shell-full of the juice of the custard apple in which has been dissolved three pinches of shredded rhinoceros horn. , . " Her full description of the Pekingese included an ideal that "its forelegs be bent so that it shall not desire to wander far or leave the Imperial precincts."


In rural northern China today, a very small version of the Pekingese is still bred. This miniscule canine, under one pound, is considered good luck. Always in the piebald pattern, their spotted coats are "read" like tea leaves.

The Pekingese does have rather distinctive physical characteristics that, while pleasing to some, may not be appealing to others. The extremely shortened muzzle puts the nose directly between the eyes, creating a wide "smiling" mouth and a very flat face. This same characteristic causes them to suffer on hot, humid days. Pekingese eyes are prominent and prone to injury. The head is wide and flat, the neck short with relatively massive shoulders and chest, and front legs are short and crooked. Combined with a long body, short stature and rather narrow hips, the breed characteristically moves with a bit of a roll.


Pekingese do have marvellous personalities, exhibiting confidence, charm and a bit of stubborn independence. They are fearless but never aggressive, and their sole purpose in life is to give comfort and companionship to their owners.






16/12/2024 I received my order yesterday. Thank you they are perfect. Sarah, Wigan

30/09/2024 You're a pleasure to do business with -- if only more people were as pleasant and efficient as you. Best wishes to you and thank you very much. Susan, Bridgnorth

19/08/2024 I am now happily in possession of your lovely Grouse cushion and was able to deliver it to my mother today and she is delighted! Ian, London

30/04/2024 My friend had her birthday on Saturday, and she was absolutely blown away by the cover. I bet she is hugging it as we speak since she misses her pup so much. I just wanted to make sure that you knew, and how much I appreciate everything you did to make it happen! Andrea, Carlisle, ON, Canada

10/04/2024 I just wanted to write to let you know how delighted I am with the Maltese Goods and service that I have received. The cushion in particular just beautiful! Gwen, Godalming

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A.Bentley Cushions
We are a family run business situated in rural Lancashire. We stock a wide range of products including Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads And Seat Cushions, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders.

These can all be purchased through our on-line store and the majority of orders are shipped within 2 to 3 working days to our customers. All the products on our web site are made to a very high standard and only the highest quality materials are used in the manufacturing process. We source the majority of our unique products from manufacturers worldwide and directly import into the UK.

How To Buy
Our website has been carefully designed to make buying our full range of cushions and accessories as simple as possible. Just browse our online store and click on any items you wish to purchase to put them into the shopping basket. You will then be asked for a few details that we will need to fulfil your order. If you live outside the UK then don't worry, we deliver worldwide.

Buy with Confidence
All credit/debit card and PayPal transactions are carried out on our secure server for complete security. You can also order and pay over the phone on 01253 790084. We offer a comprehensive refund policy on our complete range of Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

Other Outlets
In addition to this web site we retail through our Amazon Store and also on EBay.