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 Basset Hound Gifts 

Our website contains a great range of Basset Hound products for every Basset Hound owner and Basset Hound lover. The products we have available include Basset Hound Throws, Basset Hound Cushions and Basset Hound Shoulder Bags.  

So, if there's a Basset Hound lover in your life, choose from our range of Basset Hound gifts by clicking on the following link:


Basset Hound Products Currently Available 

The Basset Hound Cushions are again made from 100% natural cotton and measure 17" by 17". The cushion pad (inner) complies with the furniture and furnishings regulations 1988 and is removable. 

The Basset Hound throws measure 54 inches by 54 Inches and are made from 100% all natural high-quality cotton. 

The Basset Hound shoulder bags are constructed of high quality, 100% natural cotton. Measuring 17" wide by 17" tall with two black canvas straps, the bag can hold an array of items. 

All our Basset Hound merchandise is manufactured to the highest standards and can be purchased with the knowledge that we offer a full money back guarantee if not completely satisfied with your purchase. 

General Information On Basset Hounds 

The Basset Hound was bred by monks in the Middle Ages to hunt in heavy cover, whether for the heavy-bellied nobility or not is conjecture. His short, crooked legs allowed him to hold his nose close to the ground. Like a Dr. Seuss creation, the Basset has the head and bone of a Bloodhound, the colouring of a Foxhound and the legs of a Dachshund.

Developed to individual perfection in England, the breed we know simply as the Basset Hound is closely related to the whole family of French Bassets discussed earlier. Bassets of the Normand and d´Artois type have been noted in England at least since Shakespearean times. 

But the fostering of a separate, individual breed came several centuries later. In 1866 the Comte de Tournow sent a pair of Basset Nor-mands, "Basset" and "Belle," to Lord Galway of England. A litter bred from this pair went to Lord Onslow, who proceeded to develop an exceptional pack by crossing with further imports from the Coultreux pack of Normandy. 

Soon importation ceased, and the English version of the Basset Hound developed on its own. Except for the legs, this hound closely resembles the St. Hubert Hound, with the same superb nose (considered to be the best, next to the bloodhounds) and cold trailing ability. From England, he was brought to America, where he has been enthusiastically accepted. 

A fine trailer of rabbit, hare and even wounded pheasant, his short-statured bulk proves especially useful in heavy, impenetrable cover. He can be taught to tree coon, squirrels and opossum. AKC sponsors field trials (rabbit trailing) throughout the USA for Basset Hounds, and the breed is also well represented in the North American show ring. The Basset, like the Dachshund or Beagle, is one of the few hounds that has achieved a fair degree of popularity as a companion dog. This may be due in part to his frequent use in various advertising campaigns. The Hush Puppy spokes dog is a Basset, and his soft, sad, appealing face seems to sell a lot of shoes! 

In hunting situations, Bassets can be a bit lazy or stubborn, according to some hunt masters, and may get "hung up" on scents-or "go riot" after the scent of a deer. These hounds so love the deer that they cross highways or lose their masters in the woods during a chase. Trailing deer, therefore, is discouraged. As these dogs fill their noses with a bouquet of scents and take off on the trail, their melodious voices blend to create the music of the gods. Their slower approach is actually an advantage, as they are less likely to frighten and bolt the game. 

Type, in both England and America, is divergent. Like his cousins in Artois and Normandy, there is a variance between hunting type and those bred strictly for appearance. Bassets in formal hunt packs in England and those used for field trialing, or as pets in America, resemble the Coultreux strain with the lighter bone, higher, straighter leg and minimum of hanging skin. Dogs for exhibition, like those originally bred by Louis Lane for their "aesthetics," are massive and extremely low-stationed, with more crooked legs and a super-abundance of wrinkles, flew and dewlap. 

Like all hounds, the Basset Hound can be independent in nature, and his baritone musical voice, so loved by connoisseurs of hunting, may be an irritant to neighbours. And, again, in tune with his hound heritage, discipline is a must! Despite these hindrances, the Basset still makes a fine pet. A few in America have proven the critics wrong by winning at the highest level of obedience competition. Many continue to give double service, with the family pet used as a rabbit dog on an occasional weekend hunt. 

Pack existence called for a good-humoured, sociable dog, and this transfers well to life as a companion. Grooming is minimal. He loves dinner time, but takes the Garfleld attitude toward exercise, so routine walks must be scheduled to avoid obesity.



16/12/2024 I received my order yesterday. Thank you they are perfect. Sarah, Wigan

30/09/2024 You're a pleasure to do business with -- if only more people were as pleasant and efficient as you. Best wishes to you and thank you very much. Susan, Bridgnorth

19/08/2024 I am now happily in possession of your lovely Grouse cushion and was able to deliver it to my mother today and she is delighted! Ian, London

30/04/2024 My friend had her birthday on Saturday, and she was absolutely blown away by the cover. I bet she is hugging it as we speak since she misses her pup so much. I just wanted to make sure that you knew, and how much I appreciate everything you did to make it happen! Andrea, Carlisle, ON, Canada

10/04/2024 I just wanted to write to let you know how delighted I am with the Maltese Goods and service that I have received. The cushion in particular just beautiful! Gwen, Godalming

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A.Bentley Cushions
We are a family run business situated in rural Lancashire. We stock a wide range of products including Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads And Seat Cushions, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders.

These can all be purchased through our on-line store and the majority of orders are shipped within 2 to 3 working days to our customers. All the products on our web site are made to a very high standard and only the highest quality materials are used in the manufacturing process. We source the majority of our unique products from manufacturers worldwide and directly import into the UK.

How To Buy
Our website has been carefully designed to make buying our full range of cushions and accessories as simple as possible. Just browse our online store and click on any items you wish to purchase to put them into the shopping basket. You will then be asked for a few details that we will need to fulfil your order. If you live outside the UK then don't worry, we deliver worldwide.

Buy with Confidence
All credit/debit card and PayPal transactions are carried out on our secure server for complete security. You can also order and pay over the phone on 01253 790084. We offer a comprehensive refund policy on our complete range of Tapestry Cushions, Linen Cushions, Print Cushions, Seat Pads, Booster Cushions, Doormats, Cushions With Sayings, Novelty Socks, Doorstops, Wall Hangings, Throws and Draught Excluders if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

Other Outlets
In addition to this web site we retail through our Amazon Store and also on EBay.